Proficiency F

Demonstrate appreciation of equity, ethical, legal, social, physical, and psychological issues concerning use of information technology.

 Level: Proficient



In a world in which we are inundated with sound bites and web pages 24 hours a day, it is imperative that children be taught to be critical, active consumers of information.

As a school media specialist, I plan to provide regular instruction on information literacy and skills for identifying quality information.

As do all librarians, I have extensive training and experience with online searching, and feel confident that I can find the answer to just about any question my students pose. More importantly, I can model the process by which I form a query, seek information and properly cite it when it has been found.

While I believe there is no substitute for adequate adult interaction and supervision, I am familiar with many different forms of Internet filtering, and the pros and cons of each. I have participated in the creation of Acceptable Use Policies for libraries and classrooms.

buttonSamples of Work 

  • When constructing a lesson with material from the Internet (or other sources), I always cite the pictures and other items I use, as in this lesson plan for use with this Power Point presentation on creating a butterfly garden.
  • In my work at the Canton Public Library, I run workshops for children 7-12 on Internet safety and information literacy.
  • Students in my classroom receive experience with using the Internet to find answers to questions they may have about their assignments, such as they do in this Internet scavenger hunt.
  • I plan to participate on committees dealing with issues of Internet safety and appropriate use, such as the problem detailed in this sample memo.

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