Proficiency E

Use information technologies to support student problem solving, data collection, information management, communications, presentations, and decision making including word processing, database management, spreadsheets and graphic utilities.

 Level: Advanced



Nearly all students learn better in a hands-on situation. Using technology helps students get excited about their work -- not only the task they are working on, but the process of learning as well.

In my classroom, technology is an everyday part of my students' lives, just as it is for me. Students use word processing programs to type their papers, and drawing programs like KidPix to create illustrations.

Some experiences would not be possible for students without the use of technology. I combine the VCR and television with a special microscope attachment to project living microorganisms onto a screen for the whole class to examine. While microscopes may not be feasible for use in an elementary classroom, students still benefit from such exploration -- and they're fascinated by it, too!

buttonSamples of Work 

  • Students in my classroom might use Microsoft Excel or AppleWorks to create a spreadsheet.
  • I use Inspiration to make concept maps for unit plans, such as this one for a reading unit on Andrew Clements' Frindle, or this one for a science unit on insects.
  • The unit cycle on creating a Schoolyard Wildlife Habitat includes several examples of databases, spreadsheets and other student and instructor uses of technology.

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