Proficiency B

Identify and apply resources for staying current in applications of information technology in education.

 Level: Advanced



As a future school media specialist, I feel it is essential for me to stay current in the field of information technology.

In the past, I have participated in the michlib-tech email list (now defunct) for discussion of information technology in Michigan libraries.

I read several professional journals, including School Library Journal, on a regular and consistent basis to stay up-to-date on the most recent trends in using information technology in libraries. I consult the web daily to develop and expand my set of professional links.

All the research and new information I learn about technology and other education-relevent topics is posted on my professional web site, SeeMore Web Productions, for the community to read and use.

buttonSamples of Work 

  • Here are the Power Point presentation and the handout from a seminar I taught recently for my professional community on creating web pages.
  • I conducted a study and wrote a paper on what current technology exists to make using the computer easier for young children, either in libraries or in schools.

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