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Maggi Rohde, Doula
Ypsilanti, Michigan


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Why Choose A Doula?

Finding The Doula For You

For Spouses and Partners

If You've Had A Cesarean


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More About Birth Doulas

A birth doula provides:
  • explanations of medical procedures
  • continuous emotional support
  • advice during pregnancy
  • exercise and physical suggestions to make pregnancy more comfortable
  • help with preparation of a birth plan
  • massage and other non-interventive pain relief measures
  • positioning suggestions during labor and birth
  • a liason for communication between you and the hospital staff
  • support for the spouse or partner, so that they can love and encourage you during labor
  • help to avoid unnecessary interventions during birth
  • advice and help with breastfeeding
  • a loving written record of the birth
  • many other possibilities that vary from doula to doula

Many doulas are certified through an international, national or local organization. If your doula is certified, you can find more information about her organization under Online Birth Resources.

Some labor assistants provide clinical skills, such as vaginal exams, checking fetal heart tones, or taking blood pressure. This kind of labor assistant is often called a monitrice. Some doula organizations have policies which prevent their doulas from providing clinical skills, so make sure you check with your labor assistant if you are looking for someone who provides this kind of care.

A doula does not speak for her clients, or provide advocacy to hospital staff or anyone else on their behalf. Instead, she helps to empower them to speak for themselves and make their own decisions.

Next Link: Why choose a birth doula?
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