The Seventh Standard: Technology and Assessment of Learning 

buttonA Professional Portfolio for Maggi Rohde Idzikowski

Maggi Rohde

The Seventh Standard: 
"An ability to use information technology to enhance learning as well as enhance personal and professional productivity."

As a librarian, a teacher and a technology coach, information technology is an everyday part of my professional and personal life. In this portfolio you will see examples of the work I have done which address the proficiencies outlined in the Seventh Standard.

For more information on technology standards as defined by the Michigan Department of Education, visit their web site.

- Maggi Rohde Idzikowski

buttonProficiencies of the Seventh Standard
  1. Proficiency A: Technology in Integrated Student Learning Activities
  2. Proficiency B: Continuing Education in Technology
  3. Proficiency C: Use of Technology in Teaching
  4. Proficiency D: Use of Technology in Instructional Management
  5. Proficiency E: Use of Technology in the Classroom
  6. Proficiency F: Ethics in Technology
  7. Proficiency G: Technology for Professional Development

buttonSummary of Projects


For More Information: my resume


Last Modified: May 2014



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